My sweet little Averie is so excited to start school is September. I'm a little worried about her going since she'll only be five for two weeks, but I think she'll do fine... I think she's ready. Out of all her toys, the thing she likes to do most is draw and practice writing. As soon as I saw this Love Elsie paper (Roxie Math Class), I KNEW I had to cover a composition notebook for her doodles. I'm sure it will even look better when she gets her hands on it and starts coloring in the drawings! I have to tell you....,that paper down the side, it is FABRIC! I just about died when it came. And, it's pink! Don't you think it's just calling to be sewed on though? I think it's calling to me. *giggle* It gives her notebook the perfect extra touch. You can see it here. I'm addicted to that Love Elsie paper..... CUTE STUFF!!!
I got the paper daisies from Joy and Daisy too. The top one is actually attached to a Maya Road chipboard flower that I mushed in pink passion craft ink. I ran a Stampin'Up Rhinestone brad in the center to attach them. The big letter A is from Stampin'Up, mushed in basic black craft ink. Ribbon is from the wonderful Miss Cindy at Starlitstudios. I used both pink ric rack and black gingham on the side.
Super easy project. Just measure your composition notebook, attach the paper (I used Stampin'Up's snail adhesive), then add your goodies. I used Stampin'Up's Sticky Strip to attach the pink ribbon and the letter A. I can't wait to see the look on little Miss A's face when she sees her new doodle notebook!
Have a good one!
Wow, Cambria! That composition book is rockin'!
The book is great she will be the envy of all the kids in her class.
That is an awesome composition book.
re: You DD starting school just turning 5- mine turned 5 a few days before cut-off and many people here in TN hold their kids back to start at 6. Most of the kids were older than my DD but she did pretty well and found a few friends who were closer in age and were petite like her!
You'd better hide that away until September of she'll have filled up all the doodles and need another one!
Great altered book. I just purchased this paper to do a school page! Love it.
LOVE this Cami! A will, too! Oh man - you know how I am feeling about sending Ty to school. Hoping it is a great year for both of them!
This is adorable! I love this new line of stuff from Elsie! She has the cutest stuff. You are really on a roll now!!
This is awesome!!!
A is gonna have fun with this. I am having funjust looking at it!!
You are awesbomb baby......absolutely awesbombing on this one!
Way to go...that's such a fun look and it just jumps out at you. Maybe it will make school work even more fun and exciting!
Ohmy goodness! That paper looks like EVERY notebook my DD carried around with her all during school. She doodled on everything. Good thing they required textbooks be covered. Grocery bags make a great surface for doodling. She's now attending art school - hey, what can I say?
Love the notebook.
So awesome, Cambria!! Will you take another picture once Averie does her "work" on it? I love everything you did to the book, and all of the papers and embellies you used!!
Totally cute! Good luck to your little one!
The Love, Elsie paper is my favorite! This looks awesome, I love that flower too!
OMGoodness, what adorable paper! I'd been eyeing the Love Elsie line but hadn't noticed this pattern -- what a great idea to put it on a comp notebook! And I have those same young 5-yr old Kindergartener fears as you -- my youngest will start K in August, too! Too cute, Cam!
Cute Cute Cute!!! I'm sending Jill also and I pretty sure she's younger than A!!!
Awwwwww, A's going to school! She's going to feel so special with this book!
this looks awesome, lvoe it!
LOVE the notebook! BTW, you've been tagged! Tell us 7 things about you.
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