My Grandma had a wonderful birthday. You can see her in the middle.. covered with kids. Everyone wanted to sit on G-ma's lap (well, the kids anyway). It was a beautiful day at the lake. Almost everyone made it here for the celebration. We all got a little sunburned despite layers of sunscreen. The jet skis and boats were pulling kids non-stop in tubes, and everyone was stuffed with good food and birthday cake. Grandma was so happy and all of us were so thankful to have her there and enjoying all her grandkids and great grandkids. You'd never believe it was just two months since her open heart surgery. She is my hero.

Some family members stayed for the 4th and it continued to be the best of times. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family. I love them all so dearly.
I unfortunately over did it a bit and was miserable with back pain. The rest of the week, I spent doing my exercises and trying to recover... which included staying off the computer and not sitting as much as possible.
Thanks for the emails asking if I'm okay, and please forgive me if I haven't replied to you yet. I am catching up slowly and my back is improving each day, but I am limited to how long I can sit for now.
Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!! Sorry I've been MIA. I appreciate all the comments. Thanks for stopping by!
I was about to put an APB out on you missy!!! Missed you. I am so happy you had a wonderful time with Grandma!!! Hope your back is feeling better!!
So sorry about your back Cambria - I hope you feel better soon! So glad that you had such a great time with your family - it sounds like it was an awesome weekend! Take care and feel better. *HUGS* Alex
Sorry to hear about your back...I sure hope it feels better soon! Glad you had such a great time with your Grandma!
Sure hope you are up and around real soon. Please know you are missed but want you in tip top shape so you don't relapse!!!
Hope your back is better SOON - I'm missing your awesome creations and your gushing about sewing. :-)
hope you feel better soon, but happy you had fun!
you've been tagged.....check out my blog for info.
I'm glad that your Grandma's birthday party was a success with a lot of family and good times. Sorry about your back, though. Take care of yourself.
What a lovely family reunion, I'm sure your granny will treasure every moment and memory. I totally understand about the back pain and no sitting, sucks! Wishing you a speedy recovery.
YAY for Grandama!! She looks great!!
Grandma is looking great!! Thanks for sharing your photos.
I hope your back is feeling better soon!
So glad to see you back!! Looks like everyone had a great time especially Grandma!!
Hey girl! I spy GrammiCami! She looks FAB - and so happpy!
Oh, boy, this looks like fun! I'm glad to hear your Grandma is doing so well. But, dang--your back is sure giving you fits lately. I hope you get over this rough stretch pretty soon. It sounds like no fun at all! Wishing you better, Cami!
What an awesome looking party that is!! Bet Grandma had the time of her life! She looks GREAT Cams! :)
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